How are Home and Family Concepts Viewed and Tested?
Home and family issues arise from all aspects of living in a world of chaos in our communities and in world events. Issues arise, even before birth, in the issues of abortion and birth control and the politics of how they are viewed and controlled. Stress, Anxiety, and Panic Motivate our Behavior and Outcomes
How is the Home Concept Viewed by Society?
A search of internet resources regarding the home was very interesting! These are some of the findings:
What are the benefits of making a house a home?
It’s more than just brick and mortar, creating a home is making a space that is uniquely yours, that expresses you and how you want to live your life. And most importantly, it helps you bring family together creating memories that will be cherished forever.
What elements make a house a home?
“A physical house may be constructed with wood and stone, but a “home” is created by people making memories and building their lives. At Visionary Homes, they understand what a home means to you – that it’s made of moments like families playing together, a child’s first step or a daughter’s wedding day. A home is made of happiness and love.
What qualities make a home special?
A home gives people a place to care about the people that mean the most to them. It is a place to tell amusing tales, a good story, or make memorable memories with one another. Furthermore, home is more than a place; it is a feeling. It is a feeling of contentment and happiness that they share with the ones they love.
The Psychology of Home: Why Where You Live Means So Much
Sadly, one element is missing from the above – the wishes of God.
When God gives us a home, he wants to care for our immediate family, but he also has other people in mind. The New Testament makes clear that God wants every Christian home — whether we are single, married, or parents — to be a home for people outside our home. Sometimes literally and physically, often more spiritually and emotionally.
Where you live — house, townhome, duplex, apartment, or dorm — is not ultimately a consequence of your budget, your stage of life, or your commute. You live where you live because God has deliberately, sovereignly placed you here. The long series of events, decisions, and circumstances that led you here really did lead you here. He brought you home one detail at a time.
Birth Ushers Home and Family Issues
After birth comes life in all of its many forms and paths. Childcare providers and childcare agencies and institutions regulate the care and financial aspects of care for your child. They specify the manner of discipline and serious penalty for stepping outside the guidelines established. The Governments – local, state, and federal – have all staked a claim in your child’s life.
Home and Family Issues of Education
Home and family issues persist as we journey through our grade and high school years. We are faced with governmental and other management issues that determine where and how we go to school. What is our school district and appointed school? How do we travel to school – walk, private vehicle, or school bus – and what are the responsibilities? Are we entitled to certain special programs? Are we negatively impacted by special programs and what are our options? Can we participate in the work force during school years? After graduation, what next?
Now that we’re adults, what do we do?
After graduating high school (and perhaps not), adulthood looms for those of us who are lucky enough to have survived the journey somewhat intact! Do we, or can we, go to college? Which one? Do we have the finances? If not college, then what? What skills do we have that we can capitalize with an employer? If we have no saleable skills, how can we acquire them? Our enjoyable futures depend on right answers to these questions. All answers have implications that must be satisfied within our family, ethical, community, religious, and government environments.
Responsibilities of Adulthood
Adulthood presents us with many avenues to explore! However, exploration can be mind boggling! Do we marry (that option may have been elected during one of the other life periods) or remain single. These options come with legal, ethical, religious, and other issues of their own. In today’s environment there are many religious and legal implications for the path taken – LGBQT laws, pre-marital agreements, child custody agreements, etc. Home ownership or rent? Job choices and the advantages and pitfalls of each? Results of choices made and paths not taken?
Life’s End
Home and family issues are also not averted at death. Is the death natural or homicide? Is the death legally assisted (permitted in some locales, but illegal in most)? Is the death attributed to accident or some illegal activity or incident? Many questions have to be answered!
What is a Prism?
Merriam-Webster Dictionary, in their online dictionary, gives a definition for an optical device known as a “prism.” Their definition is:
1 : a polyhedron with two polygonal faces lying in parallel planes and with the other faces parallelograms
2a : a transparent body that is bounded in part by two nonparallel plane faces and is used to refract or disperse a beam of light
2b : a prism-shaped decorative glass luster
3 : a crystal form whose faces are parallel to one axis especially : one whose faces are parallel to the vertical axis
4 : a medium that distorts, slants, or colors whatever is viewed through it
The Prism as a Model of Life and Society
As the Prism of Our Lives
The prism device lends itself very well to a model and representation of the above and other stages of life and society. Each facet chosen for viewing provides a path through the device that is very dependent on the perspective. Definition 4, above, therefore, provides a very relevant definition for viewing our lives. The prism is a model for this Home and Family Blog.

As the Prism of Our Lives
Prism Application to Home and Family Issues
This webpage site, Home and Family Blog, attempts to address all aspects of the issues spectrum. The perspectives presented are those of the site owner/author and, perhaps, the site author’s perspectives tempered by those individuals that he associates with frequently and by observed situations and conditions – in community and in world issues.